Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A CLASSIC TALE: Superhero team-up

March 27, 2008 - Thursday

I’ve been remiss blogging about this big event.

Last week I got a message from Citizen Prime (someone I greatly admire) and hear that he’s coming to Minneapolis, But he’ll be coming in at midnight at the airport the next day. At first, I’m thinking that this is crazy and any kind of meet-up could possibly never work out.

I go into work the next morning and ask for the next day off, if nothing big is going .. years of service, I get a ton of vacation days and if nothing happens to be going on, so they say, "sure."

So I’m going to go up and meet Citizen Prime at the airport that late night. And it’s in Minneapolis. So I gotta contact My Buddy Jack from Hero-Gear! (Despite living in the same state, we had never met.)

And I’ve had some documentary filmmakers, Sean and Evan (awesome guys)working on a film about the RLSH movement and/or me. So, of course I contacted them.

The weather was bad somewhere else and the plane was so late that Sean had to go crash for the next day’s classes. Without seeing him that night, we literally wore the poor guy out with all the waiting. Evan had later classes, so he was still up for some shooting.

I finally met Jack at the airport! What a cool guy! If you think his email comments on Heroes Network are good, you should meet the man in person.

A chuckling Citizen Prime shows up very stylishly and we give him a chance to suit-up for a VERY late-night patrol of downtown Minneapolis.

NOTE TO HEROES: Following Citizen Prime’s worldly advice, I had emailed the Minneapolis Police Department and informed them of who we are (Wikipedia "Real-Life Superhero" and my myspace page and the City Pages article online.) and what we intended to do and NOT do. I think this was a wise idea and I’ll try to remember it. I’ve had a run-in with the police before. In that previous situation, all they really would have needed was a heads-up. Not three squads attending to me and my weird get-up just to get an explanation.

So Jack, Citizen Prime and I spent a few hours walking the cold blocks of downtown "Murderapolis." We were looking for trouble, not finding any. CP stopped and spoke with a few of the policemen, who didn’t seem to mind us. (Of course, Prime has a great way about him.) We got our fingers dirty and picked up some trash.

Okay, here was my funny thought... I was thinking, "Gee, Citizen Prime has a set of very expensive bullet-proof armor and a stun baton, among other things. But it’s pretty cold and I have a plastic nut-cup and a warm SCARF (-Yes!!) and a stun baton, among other things, but Jack is a BIG guy and a former wrestler with a mask in his pocket. I thought we were all about equal. Just because I had a nice scarf.

Seriously, I know that each of us was ready for anything at all.

...And we had the real danger, Evan, the filmmaker walking backwards and filming us almost all the time as we talked. We needed to protect him. -from railings, from trees, from passers-by that he might walk into... Big dangers.

Some people recognized me from the City Pages and I pointed out that we were each in the article. Jack’s comments and Prime’s photo and quotes were there, too. It was a meeting of the publicized. Cars drove by and and honked. Maybe they saw the article or maybe they were driving by and honking at everyone. Who knows?

I know that each of us guys could have and would have taken on anything that might have come along. And we were tight. We would have had each other’s backs to whatever extent. That’s what’s so cool about meeting other Heroes. Automatic life-or-death trust. Whatever happens... You don’t forget that.

We got WAY too much curiosity from FIVE security guards at the bus depot when we were only trying to film an interview with Prime. One by one, they approached. As soon as we satisfied one with our explanations, another one would appear. Try explaining the RLSH experience five times in a row to separate people sometime. It almost made me want to get out the smoke bombs and "disappear". Geesh!

What a fun night!

I share Shadow Hare’s belief that one way to find true brotherhood and trust is to meet each other in person. To look each other in the eye and believe that the other is speaking from their heart. So far, I’ve met Tothian, Jack, Citizen Prime, Civitron, Life, Street Fighter, Red Justice, The Cleanser, Direction Man and The Super. I know I’m forgetting someone, so email me and forgive me.

But I believe that from the heart of each of them.

Superhero Team-Ups for everyone!


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